Photo of Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan Nguyen

Sous Chef



    Chef Jonathan was originally born in Vietnam and at the age of 15, left home and lived on his own in a refugee camp. While living there, he taught himself how to cook, not out of particular interest, but as a survival instinct, and discovered that it was not as difficult as he thought! He liked that he could continue to improve his skills and that there were many different styles and cuisines for him to learn. While cooking has become second nature to him, Chef Jonathan continues to feel that there is always something new he can learn when it comes to culinary arts. Before becoming a professional chef, Jonathan studied Computer Systems Technology at Algonquin College and worked as an IT Support Technician for 17 years within various government departments. After leaving that job, he came to work for Carleton Dining as a cook and has recently worked his way up to becoming a Sous Chef! When he is not working, Chef Jonathan enjoys going for long walks with his two dogs, playing tennis and cooking traditional Vietnamese food like Pho and Bahn Mi!