Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

When: Monday, September 24th, 2018 — Friday, September 28th, 2018
Time: All day event
Location:Carleton University
Audience:Carleton Community

A Fairtrade treasure hunt is taking place throughout all of Fair Trade Campus Week. Product identifier tags have been attached to Fairtrade products in six different dining locations across campus. Each tag has a letter written on the back. When combined, the six letters spell a word related to fair trade. The first person to submit the correct word will win a fair trade gift basket worth more than $75!

Contest submissions can be direct messaged to any Carleton Dining Service social media account. You can also submit your answer in person at the Carleton Dining Service office in Teraanga Commons, Room 176.

Carleton Dining Services Social Media Accounts


